Foster Paws Rescue is a non-profit group of animal lovers that seek to protect and provide for homeless cats in Greenville and surrounding counties. We dedicate our time and hearts to helping felines find homes and loving families. Though our resources are often limited, we cherish and nurture every cat we take under our care and see that they are adopted into loving homes. Until then, we make sure they live in a caring and comfortable environment.
In an effort to help people make good choices when they adopt a cat or kitten, many shelters and cat & kitten rescues provide adoption counseling to help match you up with the purr-fect cat or kitten for adoption. Foster Paws Rescue is no exception. We like to get to know you so we can make that perfect match. Once the match is made, we hope you will send photos and videos of your new found friend.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that shelters and cat & kitten rescues are filled with kitties that were discarded because they’re “bad”. On the contrary, most cats & kittens for adoption are wonderful companions who became victims for various reasons. Some of which are: Owners that passed away, got a divorce, or moved overseas. Some owners developed allergies or medical issues. Others were simply owners who didn’t give pet adoption the careful thought it requires. There are so many reasons that cats and kittens land in our shelter system. We are here to help them find their loving safe forever homes, where they never have to feel the pain of abandonment and the fear of being crammed into a cold small cage with strangers ever again.